How We Use AI at

AI, Machine learning, robot hand ai artificial intelligence assistance human touching on big data network connection background, Science artificial intelligence technology, innovation and futuristic.

Content published under the "Cheapism" byline is generated using automation technology. (Note: This does not apply to the "Cheapism Staff" byline — those stories are written by a team member.) 

While the vast majority of our stories are researched, written, and edited by human beings, Cheapism's editorial policies have recently changed to include using AI for certain types of content. These include simple queries and straightforward explainers that answer our readers' most basic questions.

While we use artificial intelligence to generate content, that content is always reviewed, fact-checked, and otherwise edited by an editor with topical expertise before it's published. 

At Cheapism, we value editorial integrity and are also excited about the best-practice applications of new technology. Many well-respected news outlets and media institutes are both using automation technology to produce content and promoting the prudent and judicious use of AI in journalism. 

We understand that many people have reservations about the role of AI in today's media landscape. We count ourselves among them and will always be transparent about how we're using the technology in our own work. If you have any questions or concerns about our policies in this regard, please reach out to executive editor Kris Scott at

Additional AI Policies recognizes the potential benefits of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into our journalistic practices. Our AI policy establishes our guidelines for responsible and ethical use of AI in our editorial processes while upholding the principles of accuracy, fairness, transparency, and accountability.

1. Purpose of AI Integration: AI technologies may be used to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and innovation in our journalistic endeavors. The primary goal is to streamline production processes rather than replace journalistic judgment and ethics.

2. Ethical Considerations: AI applications may be used in alignment with journalistic ethics and values. We ensure that AI algorithms do not perpetuate biases or contribute to unfair representation.

3. Editorial Oversight: Our editorial team always maintains human control over all decision-making processes. Editorial teams are responsible for overseeing and validating all AI-generated content.

4. Data Privacy: We protect user privacy and adhere to data protection regulations. Our site clearly communicates to users how their data is collected, processed and used in relation to AI technologies.

5. Transparency and Disclosure: Our site clearly discloses when AI technologies are used in content creation or curation. We provide information on the role of AI in the editorial process to ensure transparency with the audience.

6. Bias Mitigation: We regularly assess content generated by AI algorithms to minimize and correct biases.

7. Accountability and Responsiveness: Our team has established mechanisms for accountability in case of errors or unintended consequences related to AI. We are responsive to user concerns and feedback regarding the use of AI technologies.

8. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: We strive to stay informed about advancements in AI technologies and ethical considerations, and adapt AI policies as needed to address emerging challenges and opportunities.

Review and Revision: This AI policy will undergo regular review to incorporate advancements in AI technology, address ethical considerations, and adapt to changes in industry best practices.

Date of last revision: 1/10/2024