Jennifer Magid

Jennifer Magid has worked as a writer and editor in publishing and marketing for almost two decades. She has written for outlets ranging from InStyle magazine to Psychology Today and for a number of grocery and personal care brands. Jennifer is frugal by proxy: She is married to a certified cheapskate, which has been good for her wallet but bad for her shoe and handbag collections. These days, she never, ever buys her fashions at full price. Jennifer holds a Master’s in Journalism from New York University. She lives in Connecticut with her family and an admittedly expensive-to-maintain standard poodle — the one anomaly in her cheap lifestyle. Find out more about Jennifer at You can reach her at

  • Stories by Jennifer

Shopping Mall
Throwing an Easter Yard Sale
3 Images of Weird TikTok Food Trends
Three Images of Fast Food, Hamburger, Salad, and a Sub
3 Images of Weird Ice Flavors From Ice Cream Shops
Two Images of a Loaf of Bread and a Jar of Peanut Butter

The Smallest Dogs in the World

Two Images of Cosmetic Procedures, a Woman Receiving Hair Removal and a Man Touching His Head in the Mirror
Aquatic Bath Tub, Aunt Sadie's Candle, Davids Toothpaste